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I'm Travis Crawford, owner and sole operator of Travis Transpo. I would love to share with you why I started this business 9 years ago.

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My Story

It may surprise you to learn that I'm actually a Charlotte native - hard to find these days in this transient city! I grew up in Gastonia, about 15 miles west of the city, and attended college at Queens University, graduating with degrees in Business Administration and Human/Community Services. In addition to having a business background, you could say that I know the Charlotte area fairly well!


I've also been a dialysis patient for over 20 years. Long-term medical care can give you a run of emotions. It requires community support, which I am grateful to say that I have. But ultimately, it gave me the opportunity to experience life from the perspective of the patient. I've known for a long time that I wanted to spend my time in service of other people.  All too often, someone who needs medical care is saddled with the additional burden of having to do it alone. With my life experiences, I knew one way I could help was by offering assisted trips to medical appointments. I could be that someone to provide companionship, reassurance - a helping hand. That was my "why" behind starting this business, and in 2014, Travis Transpo was born. 


My wife Star and I have been married and living in the Charlotte metro area for the last 15 years. Given that we met at a dialysis appointment, she shares my desire to utilize our life experiences in service towards others. She is insanely funny, extraordinarily smart and an excellent business partner. If you stick around the Travis Transpo family long enough, chances are you'll get the chance to chat with her too.


​In the last 9 years of operating, I have always marvelled at how one conversation from Point A to Point B can create lasting familiarity and friendship. It is one of the many reasons I love this job. 


Thank you for being on this journey with me! 



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